Reflexin’ our muscles...

Reflex are looking to add to their rag tag group of country blow-ins, misfits and code-trolls! Do you match any of those descriptions? It’s grand if you don’t, neither do we- we gave our copywriter carte blanche to write what he wanted for this job description and that’s just how he views us. We’ll know better next time.

But ignore our rogue copywriter and his insulting perception of us, the bottom line is we’re looking to expand the Reflex team with new members that can help us build bigger, better and more ambitious projects for our clients. Are your ears twitching yet?

We’re looking for...

But we’re always on the lookout for collaborators, illustrators, animators, videographers - basically anybody creatively minded is welcome to get in touch with us. If you think we can create great work together, then let us know,