Are you passionate about everything? everything you design and everything you build? do you design a web site, and at the end of the project look back and think you could have designed it so much better? Do you argue over every pixel, every heading, every mouseover and every flicker of a web page? If so… Reflex Studios needs you.
We’re once again expanding the Reflex Team and are ready to offer the next generation of designers the opportunity of working alongside us.
We’re looking desire, determination and drive. We don’t want someone who clock watches from 4pm onwards, counting down the seconds to closing time so they can abandon their miserable daily grind (too far?). We want someone who skips and whistles on their way to work and who wants to make a difference.
On a more serious note, we want someone to enjoy working with the web (like us!).
Are you someone who can make a difference? Click here to find out more about our vacancies.
Update August 2014... We filled the position.. :)
We would love to work with you to make your idea a reality. Start by completing our project planner. This will give us a better understanding of your needs and help us take the first step to creating something special.
Start Your Project Now ➞Alternatively call us on 02895 521 125